
YoLabs - Pi Wars 2021

Team Yolabs



Captain CODO


Serious Genius 


Never Serious Builder

What could be a better way to get best out of your young team and bots than having your own version of pi noon- Balloon War?  We added a bit more fun by allowing our teams to design and build their own offense  and defence.  Listen to our young inventors why they think thier  bot is best and deserves to win.

A Quick Glance – How Hazard is growing hazardous every day. 

Hazard - Autonomous

Upto The Garden Path
19 Sec - Reliability needs improvement 50%
Feed The Fish
Only Fish tank ready 30%
Tidy Up the Toys
Meachanism testing Pending 70%
DIY Obstacle Course
Planning to put a conveyor 40%

Status - Soft Points

Not as per plan 30%
Technical Merit
Missing a responsive control 40%
Artistic Merit
Cool Neopixel & much more 60%
Most Disastrous - Theme
No Idea 20%

Pi Wars 2021 - Updates

Mayday, Mayday!!!

Hey guys, this is Anirudd here and we just faced a HUGE problem. Lockdown in our region got over on 21st June. So, we basically had only 3 days to physically work together and we still had all 5 videos left! We were panicking and we tried to do everything we could do. Most of

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Listen to your Boss – Audio Commands – Up the Garden Path

Hey guys and welcome to this week’s blog. So I have pretty much told you all our plans about each challenge except Up The Garden Path. For Up The Garden Path, we plan to use camera and audio commands for following the line. So, the camera follows the line perfectly except at the junctions, where

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Just Do Your Job, Motor Driver !!!

Hey guys, this is Anirudd here again, and this is the story of the DIY Obstacle Course! So, our team mate Raghav made a simulation of the course and it looks regal! Below is a video of it. And we made each and every thing in the simulation – the bumpy road, the obstacle pathways,

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Cubes Stacking – Tidy Up the Toys

Hey guys, this is Anirudd here. And I’m going to give you an update of our journey with Tidy Up The Toys. For Tidy Up The Toys, we plan to make it autonomous and stack the blocks one upon the other using this amazing grabbing mechanism we designed! In our mechanism, two servo will be

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5 Ball Shoot – Feed the fish

Hey guys! This is Anirudd here and this blog is about Feed The Fish. So, we’ve finalized our design for Feed The Fish and it looks quite good, a design which is guaranteed to get all five balls in at one shot. After lots of experimenting and trial and error with the catapult, we decided

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3D Printed Mechanism for Tidy Up the Toys

Next, Tidy Up The Toys. We have made a design to lift the blocks and stack them upon each other and we have also made clamps for Hazard to hold the blocks in position. We have also achieved color detection and are able to detect the blocks. Below is a video of our lifting mechanism.

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DIY Obstacle Course Challenge Design

Now the most difficult challenge, Feed The Fish. We have made a sort of catapult mechanism for the balls to be thrown into the top box but haven’t tested it yet. Updates on this challenge will definitely be more interesting in the next blog, I guarantee you that! And of course, DIY Obstacle Course. We

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Testing Of Up the Garden Path Challenge

Testing of Up the Garden Path Track With regards to Up The Garden Path, our robot is kind of doing well. Vidyut faced an unexpected error while making the robot follow the line using IR sensors. Below is a video of the robot. However, we are also working towards making our robot follow the line

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Assembly of YoLabs Vehicle

In the past week, we significantly worked on Up The Garden Path and Tidy Up The Toys. As I said in the previous blog, Vidyut, our other team member, is in charge of Up The Garden Path, I’m in charge of Tidy Up The Toys while Sid, our pro builder, is in charge of Feed

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Designing Models of Grabbers for Tidy Up the Toys

Last week, we worked on our individual tasks and set up our own Raspberry Pi s to perform all the tasks we will have to accomplish at our respective homes. Our goal last week was to design a mechanism for the robot to grab the blocks and stack them one on top of the other

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Up the Garden Path Track

Up the Garden Path Track Hello! I’m Anirudd Archak, the captain of the team Yolabs and this is the weekly blog regarding the progress made by our team in the past week. This week, our primary focus was Up The Garden Path. The goal was to fix the line following code in our robot, create

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