
Hey guys and welcome to this week’s blog.

So I have pretty much told you all our plans about each challenge except Up The Garden Path.


For Up The Garden Path, we plan to use camera and audio commands for following the line. So, the camera follows the line perfectly except at the junctions, where it deviates and goes haywire. 

That’s where audio commands come in. We will be using audio commands at the junctions and for the robot to start and stop. The way we did it is by linking Google Assistant to our Raspberry Pi via MIT App Inventor. So, we give our command to our phone which has MIT App Inventor, which links it to Google Assistant, then processes our input and gives the output to the Pi, which follows our command. Given below is an example of audio commands.

Also, have you guys seen our robot, Hazard? It looks really cool and we designed its artistic parts by using sunboard.

Pretty cool, right?