Though may be it’s our first international competition, we learned a lot. But due to the lockdown in India for last 2 months we got only 10 days to work with our team & tracks. During the lockdown we did whatever coding and design things required for challenges (Online meetings and only coding snd designing were boring
). for piwars 2021 we met only during last two wk-ends but it was fun-fun and fun.
We enjoyed while preparing for this competition and had lots of fun. More Funny and craziest things had happened while recording challenges when nothing worked, vehicle toppled, tyres came out, batteries were discharged and when all was well we forgot to click the record button
Most Liked
Challenge : DIY Obstacle Course DIY Obstacle Course – Pi Wars
Most Tricky
Challenge : Tidy Up the Toys Tidy Up the Toys – Pi Wars
More Recordings
in one Challenge : Feed the Fish Feed the Fish – Pi Wars
More F1 Riders 
in single challenge (all team members tried to cross the path) : Up the Garden Path Up the Garden Path – Pi Wars