Top 5 Free Coding Tools for Kids
21st century Skills in our ever evolving world, it’s advantageous for kids to develop the necessary skills to thrive in technology. When kids learn to code, they gain important technical skills that can lead to a career the path they take. That’s why coding is the most essential skill for kids. These are top free coding tools for kids to learn.

Minecraft for Education
Minecraft is one of the most popular games around for kids of all ages – and there is now an Education edition available that helps students learn coding skills! Using the Code Builder, students can work independently or in groups to design and build their own characters and worlds.
Kodable focuses on the concepts needed for computer programming. The free version has a parent section that includes a teaching curriculum and off-screen game ideas for kids to continue developing skills. The parent section also includes instructions for unlocking levels for kids and how to enable guided iPad access, allowing kids to focus on one task at a time. The parent section is especially helpful to nonprogrammer parents. Kodable’s free version also includes Smeeborg, a beginning lesson for kids. Smeeborg introduces loops, if/then statements, and other programming basics in a step-by-step format.

Scratch jr
ScratchJr is a more basic version of Scratch, designed to give younger kids an introduction to computer programming and multimedia. Adults will need to explain the game to kids in order to get them started because both the animated guide and the written instructions are at a higher reading level than the intended age groups. However, once students have it figured out, the apps many options for creating scripts, including the different backgrounds and actions, can keep them entertained for hours.
Tynker is a complete learning system that enables everyone from beginners to advanced programmers to code with intuitive, interest-based activities. Tynker’s self-paced courses let kids experiment with visual blocks before progressing to intermediate programming and even languages like JavaScript and Python. Includes lessons and support for building Minecraft mods!